Tuesday, April 7

Smash Crash

Friday night, Andrew and I went out to get ice cream. And by “ice cream,” I mean “frozen custard.” While our delicious frosty treats were being prepared, I heard this awful crunchy metal-scraping noise. “Oh,” I said. “What was that? Sounds like something just got hit.” And hooray! It was my car that got hit. (Perhaps that was karma’s way of letting me know I shouldn’t have gone out for dessert in the first place?)

This idiot—I mean guy—was backing out of his parking space, and instead of turning the wheel, he elected to back straight up into my rear bumper. Whoops! Now I understand that accidents happen, but what really ticked me off was the way this guy was not even a little apologetic about the whole thing. I think that perhaps if we hadn’t been right there, he may have considered driving off without leaving a note. I might not be giving him enough credit, but bear with me, I’m a victim here! He said his power steering was out, so he decided to back into the spaces behind him and he didn’t see my car. Of course you can’t see something if you aren’t looking for it. Grrrrr.

We’ve been talking to the insurance peeps, and he admitted fault, so his insurance will cover it. They will even give me a rental car. I just have to take the car in to an approved body shop and get it done. What a pain. I wish the insurance company would also reimburse me for my time, you know?


Lindsey said...

This reminds me of the time that a Uhaul ran into my car which was parked very innocently on the street. They were making a turn from an alley that was too narrow for them to make a turn, but they did it anyway. Into my car. Luckily I don't drive on a regular basis, so I used my rental car money as "compensation" for my wasted time. What a royal pain. You should rent a convertible.

Molly said...


Kenton said...

In high school I got hit twice is 24 hours. We sold that car a week later. The funny thing is that after getting the insurance moneys we never fixed it. We pocketed the cash!

Scott said...
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