Thursday, May 10

She's three months old!

Thirteen weeks. Three months and two days. And with every new day, Olive becomes a little bit cuter, if I do say so myself.

She's lost that newborn look and is all adorable chub and sweet baby. Whenever I take her out, a bunch of people stop to admire her and comment on how beautiful/cute/sweet/etc. she is. And I believe they really mean it.

Olive has the biggest blue eyes and the biggest dimples I've ever seen. Her smile is infectious. Her hair still has a reddish glow to it, but in some lights still looks brownish. Sadly, it rarely sticks up in the back anymore. I guess it's grown out just enough to lay a bit flatter. I kind of miss the crazy stick-up hair.

She eats six times a day, somewhere between 3 and 4 ounces at each feeding. Still waking up once (and occasionally twice) a night to eat. She did go one night sleeping straight through, a solid ten- or eleven-hour stretch of sleep, but sadly has not repeated her stellar sleep performance.

Olive has begun babbling hardcore. She'll talk and talk and talk. Her facial expressions vary from concerned to frowny to excited to surprised. She makes high-pitched shrieking noises when she just can't contain herself.

She seems to be a hand/finger/thumb-sucker. She'll take her paci sometimes, but if it's not available she works pretty hard to get those fingers in her mouth. The paci still knocks her out, though, if she's already on the verge of sleep.

Olive is a strong girl. She'll support all her weight and stand up (with no balance, of course), she'll hold her head up for long periods of time, and she has quite a grip. Speaking of her grip, she is figuring out how to reach out for things, and once she gets a grip something, she'll even try to bring it to her mouth (without much success as of yet).

She is interested in toys and her playmat entertains her finally. She likes to watch them being shaken in front of her and will follow them with her eyes when they move back and forth.

Olive wears cloth diapers about 25 percent of the time and disposables the rest of the time. We're just not having much luck with the cloth. They leak or just plain don't fit. And frankly, that is fine by me. Cloth is great in theory, but I don't miss doing all the laundry every other day and worrying about rash.

Olive is so smiley and fun. She'll smile at just about anything. Yesterday I changed her diaper in the car, and as the breeze blew over her freshly wiped bottom, she grinned and laughed. She was really chuckling. Every time the wind blew a little, her smile was as wide as I've ever seen it, and that laugh was so cute. I wish I could have captured that in a video so I could remember it forever.

Though I sometimes get frustrated with her when she cries and cries for absolutely no reason that I can ascertain, I adore my baby girl. So glad she's mine.


Grandma Susan said...

Can't wait to see her this week!

Grandma Susan said...

Perhaps I should have said this coming week.

Grandma Susan said...
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