Friday, August 11

First Day of 2nd Grade

Back to school today for Milo! 2nd grade this year. He actually seemed ready to go back this year. I think summer's quality time with his sister was wearing thin. (They've been fighting nonstop for the last two weeks. Except when they're getting along fabulously. But no in-between.)

Took our traditional front-porch first-day-of-school photo. See how he's grown?

2nd Grade, Age 7
1st Grade, Age 6

Kindergarten, Age 5
Man, that kid is cute.

Andrew and I walked him to his classroom this morning. I took a couple pictures, and as I hugged him goodbye, I got all choked up. Totally surprised myself. I thought that sending Milo off to school was old hat by now. He knows what he's doing, he does well every year. What is there to be emotional about? But maybe it was just that--he's doing so well, he doesn't need me much anymore. My little boy is getting so big.

Olive starts kindergarten on Tuesday. Up until this morning, I thought I wouldn't be very emotional dropping her off either. Now I know I'm super wrong. Definitely will be a day for waterproof mascara and a ready tissue.

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