1:15pm - Survey crafting area. Hmmm. Lots of baby stuff.
1:16pm - Much better.
1:18pm - Ambience. I'm missing ambience.
1:25pm - Uh oh, baby's awake and he's coming this wa1zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzRRRRRRTttg
1:36pm - Daddy came for baby. Where was I? Oh, right. Stocking. Must gather supplies.
1:43pm - Tracing complete. Now where did I put that candy? I mean, ambience.
1:45pm - Size check. Looks just right for this little guy's first Christmas.
1:49pm - Milo back. Decide to not stop him from hitting the keyboard and instead grab camera.
1:50pm - Decide to not delete Milo's first typing. He is brilliant, no?
1:52pm - Pins: good idea or not? Will try pins.
2:17pm - Ack, the distractions! Finished nursing Milo. Time to get back to business.
2:18pm - Must move cat first.
2:20pm - Ready to cut!
2:22pm - Zadie watches. More cat sabotage in store?
2:26pm - Cat attacks! Why does she hate Christmas so?
2:31pm - Two pieces of felt, ready to become a stocking.
2:31:30 - Note the time. Wonder how come crafting takes so long.
2:40pm - Turn pieces inside out so red outline won't show.
2:41pm - Damn. It shows. Attempt to trim it off.
2:42pm - Give up. Decide red outline gives the stocking holiday ambience.
2:42:30pm - Speaking of ambience...
2:48pm - Gluing going well. Last time there was hot glue. This time tacky glue. People who craft, tell me: which is the better choice? Maybe the sewing-machine type of glue is really best. But I don't know how to use that kind.
2:56pm - Gluing complete. Taking a quick timeout to play with Milo.
7:30pm - Well. Back to work. Break was longer than expected.
7:31pm - Survey crafting area. Hmm. Lots of baby stuff.
7:32pm - Much better. Ready for The Stocking Slash Crafting Event 2010, Part 2. But wait—something's missing... Ambience.
7:38pm - Cut ribbons. Prepare to glue.
8:02pm - Jeebus. Ribbons finally attached. Crossing fingers that they stay put.
8:09pm - Ribbons all falling off. Determine hot glue is the way to go for this type of project.
8:10pm - Ask self once again why I ever attempt crafty projects.
8:19pm - Begin tedious work of cutting out letters.
8:29pm - Ready to do some ironing and take this project to a whole new level.
8:33pm - Feeling lazy. Decide to let glue fully dry and finish this project tomorrow.
9:25pm TWO WEEKS LATER - Finished stocking, like, forever ago. Forgot to take any more photos. Please enjoy this slightly blurry photo of all three completed stockings.
I think this post pretty much sums up why I am not a crafty person. I'm more into ambience. *wink*
The stockings look great!
This was a wonderful tale of household adventure. The memories will last a long time, and the picture of the final product shows that the project was apparently a big success.
So cute--you're much craftier than me! ;) And I'm pretty sure Milo is a genius with that typing.
I know you were featuring the stockings in your blog but you should have taken a picture of the mantel, too. You really have a stylish, artistic flair and your whole fireplace area is beautiful---including the stockings.
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