Wednesday, December 7


Oh my, are these hormones making me crazy today! I have cried at no fewer than four blog posts, and I'm just a big pile of sap.

Plus, I desperately want to organize our pantry, but every evening I lack the energy to do much more than try to find a position on the couch where my back doesn't hurt. I guess my nesting instinct isn't quite strong enough yet for me to get motivated to actually do any pantry organizing. How many weeks along do you suppose I need to be for that? It better kick in soon, because my balance is already shot to hell, and organizing the pantry involves a lot of stooping and standing and reaching way into the back to grab (and discard) the years-old lentils that are still hanging around for some unknown reason. But the pantry must get organized soon. I have cookies to bake, and I need to know just how much brown sugar we have.


Courtney said...

Hmm, I wish I was there. I love organizing pantries. Seriously. And as long as I could do it before 5pm, I have the energy.

I have only cried at one blog post today, so you are ahead of me there. :)

Courtney said...

Wow, I just looked at Stephanie's invitation and it is incredible. "Only 3 or 4 hours." Sheesh.